We service all suburbs within the Sydney area and will do tile and grout cleaning, stripping and sealing.
Our tile cleaning technicians rejuvenate your tiles using the most advanced tile cleaning equipment and highest quality floor cleaning detergents and sealers.
Regular mopping is insufficient and will not keep your tiles in good condition.
Most of the time, all you’re doing is pushing dirt and bacteria into the tile’s grout lines and pores.
These contaminants eat away at the sealants over time, causing irreversible damage and costly repairs.
Our cutting-edge tile cleaning method will keep your floor in pristine condition.
Traditionally, tile and grout was cleaned by hand using brushes and chemicals such as bleach.
The task took a long time and was not very effective as the brushes couldn’t get into the pores of the tiles and grout where mold and bacteria thrive.
Over time, cleaning companies started using auto-scrubbing machines which cut out the manual labor and did a better job removing mold and bacteria on the surface of the tile.
Both methods above are still commonly used by the majority of cleaning companies in Sydney.
Sadly, these methods do little in terms of getting deep into the pores of the tiles which is required for a long lasting result.
Simpo Cleaning uses equipment which combines adjustable levels of heat, high pressure and vacuum. This technology allows us to clean tiles in a way which was not previously possible with traditional methods.
By making adjustments to the pressure, detergent and heat, we can adapt our cleaning process to suit all types of tiled flooring